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Daniyarova Evelina Yur'evna
Daniyarova Evelina Yur'evna
Senior Researcher
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005)

Speciality: 01.01.00 (Mathematics)
Keywords: Universal algebraic geometry
UDC: 512.55, 512.7, 512.554.3, 512.71, 512.577, 512.57, 510.67
MSC: 17B99, 13C99


Algebraic geometry over algebraic structures

Main publications:
  1. E. Yu. Daniyarova, “Metabelian Lie U-algebras”, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 5 (2008), 355–382
  2. E. Yu. Daniyarova, “Metabelian Lie Q-algebras”, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 6 (2009), 26–48
  3. E. Yu. Daniyarova, “Axioms of Metabelian Lie Q-algebras and U-algebras”, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 9 (2012), 266–284
  4. E. Yu. Daniyarova, A. G. Myasnikov, V. N. Remeslennikov, “Algebraic geometry over algebraic structures. II. Foundations”, Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, 17:1 (2011/2012), 65–106
  5. E. Yu. Daniyarova, A. G. Myasnikov, V. N. Remeslennikov, “Algebraic geometry over algebraic structures. IV. Equational domains and codomains”, Algebra and Logic, 49:6 (2011), 483-508

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