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Frolov Andrey Nikolaevich
Associate professor
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2004)

Speciality: 01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
E-mail: ,
Keywords: computable copies of structures and relations, spectra of Boolean algebras and linear orders.
UDC: 510.53, 512.562, 510.57, 512.565, 510.5, 510.6


Computability theory and computable model theory.

Main publications:
  1. A. N. Frolov, “Lineinye poryadki nizkoi stepeni”, Sib. matem. zhurn., 51:5 (2010), 1147–1162
  2. Frolov A.N., “Low linear orderings”, Journal of Logic and Computation, 22:4 (2012), 745-754
  3. A. N. Frolov, “Predstavleniya otnosheniya sosedstva vychislimogo lineinogo poryadka”, Izv. vuzov. Matem., 2010, № 7, 73–85
  4. A. N. Frolov, “Vychislimaya predstavimost schetnykh lineinykh poryadkov”, Itogi nauki i tekhn. Ser. Sovrem. mat. i ee pril. Temat. obz., 158 (2018), 81–115
  5. M. V. Zubkov, A. N. Frolov, “Vychislimye lineinye poryadki i predelno monotonnye funktsii”, Itogi nauki i tekhn. Ser. Sovrem. mat. i ee pril. Temat. obz., 157 (2018), 70–105

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