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Finko Oleg Anatolevich
Finko Oleg Anatolevich
Doctor of technical sciences (2005)

Speciality: 05.13.01 (System analysis, the control and processing of information (separated by fields))
Birth date: 13.07.1963
Keywords: modular arithmetics, residue number systems, residue arithmetic, Chinese remainder theorem, parallel logical evaluations, implementation of systems of Boolean functions, numerical normal form, cryptography conversions, digital signal processing, Authentication of navigation data in GNSS.
UDC: 519.7
MSC: *03B50, 68W30, *68M07, *94C10, 06E30, 13M99


# Synthesis of discrete devices of realization of systems of the functions of algebra of logic (FAL), program methods (by means of modular LOGICAL-NUMERICAL formulas).

# Functional diagnosing of discrete devices of a special purpose (by means of NUMERICAL codes).

# Control and ENSURING of providing the integrity of data (by means of CRYPTOCODE designs): communication systems, digital storages of data, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS).

# Electronic document management systems (METHODOLOGY).

Main publications:
  1. Finko O. A., Modular arithmetics of parallel logic evaluations, Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2003, 224 pp.  elib
  2. Finko O. A., “Large Systems of Boolean Functions: Realization by Modular Arithmetic Methods”, Automation and Remote Control, 65:6 (June 2004), 871–892  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
  3. Finko O. A., “Modular Forms of Systems of k-valued Functions of the Algebra of Logic”, Automation and Remote Control, 66:7 (2005), 1081–1100  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
  4. Tkachenko, A. V. and Finko, O. A., “Synthesis and transformation of complex structure codes”, Automation and Remote Control, 1995, no. 5  zmath
  5. Oleg Finko, Sergey Dichenko, “Two-dimensional control and assurance of data integrity in information systems based on residue number system codes and cryptographic hash functions”, Proceedings of the 2018 Multidisciplinary Symposium on Computer Science and ICT (Stavropol, Russia, October 15, 2018), 2254, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2018, 8 p.  scopus

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