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Chichagov Vladimir Vitalyevich
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1983)

Speciality: 01.01.05 (Probability theory and mathematical statistics)
Keywords: unbiased estimators, asymptotic statistical procedures, markov random walks, quality inspection.


1. Unbiased statistical estimation.
2. Markov plans of random walks and theirs application.
3. Statistical quality inspection.

Main publications:
  1. A.M. Benderskii, Yu.K. Belyaev, A.A. Bogatyrev, Ya.P. Lumelskii, V.V. Chichagov i dr., Statisticheskii priemochnyi kontrol po alternativnomu priznaku na osnove ekonomicheskikh pokazatelei, Izdatelstvo standartov, M., 1982
  2. Chichagov V.V., “O veroyatnostyakh popadaniya na parallelnye pryamye s naturalnym koeffitsientom naklona”, Matematicheskie zametki, 1985, № 5, 777–783
  3. V.Chichagov, “Finding distribution of Kolmogorov statistic modification based on unbiased estimator of distribution function from exponential family”, Transactions of the XXVI International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models (October 22–26, 2007), Ort Braude College, Karmiel, Israel, 2007, 60–63
  4. Chichagov V.V., “Stokhasticheskie razlozheniya nesmeschennykh otsenok v sluchae odnoparametricheskogo eksponentsialnogo semeistva”, Informatika i ee primeneniya, 2:2 (2008), 62–70

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