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Fishbein Lev Abramovich
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences

Birth date: 23.05.1958
Keywords: phase transitions, lowdimensional systems, thermal conductivity.


Phase transitions in lowdimensional systems, thermal conductivity.

Main publications:
  1. Pershin Vl. K.,Pershin V. K., Fishbein L. K., “Osobennosti dinamiki strukturnykh razuporyadochenii molekulyarnogo kristalla v mezogennoi oblasti”, Kristallografiya, 25:5 (1980), 930–937
  2. Pershin V. K., Pershin Vl. K., Fishbein L. A., “Dynamical aspects of the formation of the mesomorphic state structure”, Acta Phys. Hang., 48:2-3 (1980), 281–291
  3. Fishbein L. A., Pershin V. K., “Issledovaniya fazovogo perekhoda zhidkost-gaz na tochno reshaemoi modeli s korotkodeistvuyuschim potentsialom”, Fizicheskaya khimiya, Kh:5 (1986), 1121–1124
  4. Fishbein L. A., “Prostranstvennaya neodnorodnost parametra poryadka tsepochechnykh molekul”, Fizika tverdogo tela, 30:6 (1988), 1903–1906
  5. Fishbein L. A., Pershin V. K., “Modelirovanie friktsionnogo nagreva kolesa pri proizvolnom teplovom vozdeistvii”, Trenie i iznos, 28:1 (2007), 51–63

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