Mathematical modelling, Nonsmooth analysis (mathematical analysis of nonsmooth functions), Non-differential optimization, Mathematical programming, Nonsmooth control systems.
Main publications:
\by Demyanov V.F., Giannessi F., Tamasyan G.Sh.
\paper Variational control problems with constraints via exact penalization
\serial Nonconvex optimization and its applications
\inbook Variational Analysis and Applications
\eds F.~Giannessi, A.~Maugeru
\publ USA, Springer
\vol 79
\yr 2005
\pages 301--342
\by Tamasyan G. Sh.
\paper Numerical methods in problems of calculus of variations for functionals depending on higher order derivatives
\jour Journal of Mathematical Sciences
\yr 2013
\vol 188
\issue 3
\pages 299-321