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Mashtakov Alexey Pavlovich
Mashtakov Alexey Pavlovich
Senior Researcher
Candidate of technical sciences (2012)

Speciality: 05.13.11 (Mathematical and programme software for computers, computer systems, and networks)
Keywords: Nonlinear geometric control theory, optimal control, sub-Riemannian geometry, invariant control systems on Lie groups, applications in robotics, modelling of vision and image processing.
UDC: 517.977


Nonlinear geometric control theory; optimal control; sub-Riemannian geometry; invariant control systems on Lie groups; applications in robotics; modelling of vision and image processing.

Main publications:
  1. E.J. Bekkers, R. Duits, A. Mashtakov, G.R Sanguinetti, “A PDE Approach to Data-Driven Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(2)”, Siam Journal on Imaging Sciences, 8:4 (2015), 2740-2770  crossref
  2. A. P. Mashtakov, “Sub-Riemannian Geometry in Image Processing and Modeling of the Human Visual System”, Нелинейная динам., 15:4 (2019), 561–568  mathnet  crossref  elib
  3. Alexey P. Mashtakov, Andrei A. Ardentov, Yuri L. Sachkov, “Parallel Algorithm and Software for Image Inpainting via Sub-Riemannian Minimizers on the Group of Rototranslations”, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, 6:1 (2013), 95–115  crossref
  4. A. Mashtakov, R. Duits, Y. Sachkov, E.J. Bekkers, I. Beschastnyi, “Tracking of Lines in Spherical Images via Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SO(3)”, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 58:2 (2017), 239–264  crossref
  5. A.P. Mashtakov, Yu.L. Sachkov, “Superintegrability of Left-Invariant Sub-Riemannian Structures on Unimodular Three-Dimensional Lie Groups”, Differential Equations, 51:11 (2015), 1482–1488  crossref

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