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Eleuov Abdrahman Abuovich
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2007)

Speciality: 01.01.07 (Computing mathematics)
Keywords: matrix, the eigenvalues, eigenvectors, linear operators in finite spaces.
UDC: 519.6


On the eigenfunctions are correct boundary-value problems for differential equations on an interval. Restoration of the five-diagonal symmetrical matrix on spectral date. A numerical method for recovering five diagonal symmetric matrices from spectral data.

Main publications:
  1. Eleuov A.A., Otelbaev M.O., “Vychislenie sobstvennykh chisel i sobstvennykh vektorov matrits”, Evraziiskii matematicheskii zhurnal ENU im. L.N. Gumileva i MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova, 2005, № 1, 57–78
  2. Eleuov A.A., “Algoritmy scheta sobstvennykh chisel i sobstvennykh vektorov matrits”, Vestnik KazNPU im. Abaya, 2007, № 1(17), 23–28
  3. Eleuov A.A., Otelbaev M.O., “K voprosu nakhozhdeniya vsekh sobstvennykh chisel matritsy”, Materialy 10-oi mezhdunarodnoi mezhvuzovskoi konferentsii po matematike i mekhanike, 2004, 138–140
  4. Eleuov A.A., Otelbaev M.O., “Ob odnom metode nakhozhdeniya vsekh sobstvennykh chisel matritsy”, Vestnik KazNU. Seriya matematika, mekhanika, informatika, 2004, 190–193

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