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Anisimov Igor Olexijovych
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2000)

Speciality: 01.04.08 (Physics of plasmas)
Phone: +3 (8044) 526 05 32
Fax: +3 (8044) 526 05 42
Keywords: plasma, magnetic field, electron beams, electron bunches, wake waves, local plasma resonance region, striction nonlinearity, electromagnetic waves, transition radiation.
UDC: 533.951


Plasma electronics, dynamics of electron beams and bunches in plasmas, waves in plasmas.

Main publications:
  1. I.A. Anisimov, S.M. Levitskii, “Perenos elektromagnitnykh voln skvoz sloi plotnoi plazmy s pomoschyu elektronnogo potoka”, Zhurnal tekhnicheskoi fiziki, 59:7 (1989), 50–54
  2. I.O. Anisimov, K.I. Lyubich, “Plasma-object diagnostics via resonant transitional radiation from an electron bunch”, Journal of Plasma Physics, 66:3 (2001), 157–165  crossref  adsnasa
  3. I.A. Anisimov, T.E. Litoshenko, “Vzaimodeistvie modulirovannogo elektronnogo puchka s neodnorodnoi plazmoi: dvumernoe elektrostaticheskoe modelirovanie”, Fizika plazmy, 34:10 (2008), 918–925
  4. I.O. Anisimov, Yu.M. Tolochkevich, “Dynamics of One-dimensional Electron Bunch with the Initially Rectangular Density Profile Injected Into Homogeneous Plasma”, Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 54:5 (2009), 454–460
  5. I.O. Anisimov and M.J. Soloviova, “The evolution of a modulated electron beam in a dense plasma barrier”, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 53:7 (2011), 074007  crossref  adsnasa

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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