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Dmitriev Andrey Ivanovich
Associate professor
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2006)

Speciality: 01.04.07 (Physics of condensed states)
Keywords: computer modeling, discrete approach, nanotribology.


Computer aided modeling of materials and structures under dynamic loading; contact problems; nanotribology.

Main publications:
  1. Psakhe S.G., Zolnikov K.P., Dmitriev A.I., Kryzhevich D.S., Nikonov A.Yu., “Lokalnye strukturnye transformatsii v GTsK-reshetke v usloviyakh kontaktnogo vzaimodeistviya razlichnogo tipa. Molekulyarno-dinamicheskoe issledovanie”, Fizicheskaya mezomekhanika, 15:1 (2012), 23–31
  2. Österle W., Dmitriev A.I., Kloß H., “Possible impacts of third body nanostructure on friction performance during dry sliding determined by computer simulation based on the method of movable cellular automata”, Tribology International, 48 (2012), 128–136
  3. Österle W., Dmitriev A.I., Kloß H., “Does ultra-mild wear play any role in dry friction applications, such as automotive braking?”, Faraday Discussions (Tribology), 156 (2012), 159–171
  4. Dmitriev A.I., Nikonov A.Yu., “Modelirovanie povedeniya granitsy zeren $\Sigma5$ pri kombinirovanii termicheskogo i sdvigovogo vneshnego vozdeistviya”, Pisma v ZhTF, 39:15 (2013), 86–94
  5. W. Osterle, A.I. Dmitriev, G. Orts-Gil, T. Schneider, H. Ren, X. Sun, “Verification of nanometre-scale modelling of tribofilm sliding behaviour”, Tribology International, 62 (2013), 155–162

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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