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Holevo Alexander Semenovich
Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1976)

Speciality: 01.01.05 (Probability theory and mathematical statistics)
Birth date: 2.09.1943
Phone: +7 (499) 941 01 92, +7 (495) 984 81 41 * 36 32
Keywords: quantum communication channel, channel capacity, completely positive map, dynamical semigroup, quantum stochastic process, resolution of the identity, optimal quantum measurement.
UDC: 519.248.3, 517.986, 621.391.1, 519.2, 621.378.001, 517.431, 535.14, 621.391.63, 519.25, 53, 519.217.1, 530.145.1, 519.283, 519.7, 519.240
MSC: 81P68, 94A17, 94A40, 47B10, 47B65, 46L53, 81.62, 62C99


Noncommutative probability, quantum information and statistical decision theory, mathematical statistics of random processes. Mathematical theory of quantum communication channels was developed, coding theorems of quantum information theory were established, noncommutative statistical decision theory was constructed, the structure of quantum Markov processes was investigated.

Main publications:
  1. A. S. Holevo, Studies in general theory of statistical decisions, Proc. Steklov Math. Inst., 124, 1978  mathscinet
  2. A. S. Holevo, Probabilistic and statistical aspects of quantum theory, North Holland, 1982  mathscinet  zmath
  3. A. S. Holevo, Statistical structure of quantum theory, Lect. Notes Phys., 67, Springer, 2001  mathscinet  zmath
  4. A. S. Holevo, Quantum systems, channels, information, DeGruyter, 2012

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