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Surtaev Anton Sergeevich
Senior Researcher
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2011)

Speciality: 01.04.14 (Heating physics and theoretical heating engineering)
Birth date: 12.05.1984
Phone: +79293802550
Keywords: Heat and mass transfer, phase transitions, experimental techniques, micro/nanocoatings


Heat and mass transfer, boiling, crisis phenomena, heat transfer enhancement, transient heat transfer, falling liquid films, nanotechnologies, moderm experimental techniques

Main publications:
  1. Surtaev A.S., Serdyukov V.S., Malahov I.P., “Effect of subatmospheric pressures on heat transfer, vapor bubbles and dry spots evolution during water boiling”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 112 (2020), 109974
  2. Surtaev A. S., Serdyukov V. S., Pavlenko A.N., Zhou J., Tumanov V.V., “An experimental study of vapor bubbles dynamics at water and ethanol pool boiling at low and high heat fluxes”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 126 (2018), 297-311
  3. Surtaev A.S., Serdyukov V.S., Pavlenko A.N., “Nanotekhnologii v teplofizike: teploobmen i krizisnye yavleniya pri kipenii”, ROSSIISKIE NANOTEKhNOLOGII, 11:11-12 (2016), 18-32
  4. Surtaev A., Kuznetsov D., Serdyukov V., Pavlenko A., Kalita V., Komlev D., Ivannikov A., Radyuk A., “Structured capillary-porous coatings for enhancement of heat transfer at pool boiling”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 133 (2018), 532-542
  5. Surtaev A. S., Pavlenko A. N., Kuznetsov D. V., Kalita V. I., Komlev D. I., Ivannikov A. Y., Radyuk A. A., “Heat transfer and crisis phenomena at pool boiling of liquid nitrogen on the surfaces with capillary-porous coatings”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 108 (2017), 146-155

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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