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Conference in honour of Fedor Bogomolov's 70th birthday
September 29, 2016 16:00, Moscow, Higher School of Economics

On rigid compact complex surfaces and manifolds

Ingrid Bauer

Abstract: A compact complex manifold $X$ is rigid if it has no nontrivial deformations. The only rigid complex curve is the projective line; for dimension 2 we prove:
Theorem. Let $S$ be a compact complex surface, which is rigid, then:
  • $S$ is minimal of general type, or
  • $S$ is a Del Pezzo surface of degree $ \ge 5$, or
  • $S$ is an Inoue surface.

We explain different concepts of rigidity, their relations and give new examples and pose open questions.
This is joint work with F. Catanese

Language: English

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2024