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Conference on Complex Analysis and its Applications
September 11, 2023 15:00, Krasnoyarsk

Униформизация алгебраических многообразий

G. B. Shabatabc

a Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow
b Moscow State Pedagogical University
c Independent University of Moscow

  1. D. Mumford, “An algebraic surface with $K$ ample, $(K^2) = 9$, $p_g = q = 0$”, Contribution to Algebraic Geometry, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979, 233–244
  2. G. Shabat, “Belyi pairs in the critical filtrations of Hurwitz spaces”, Teichmüller Theory and Grothendieck-Teichmüller Theory, Advanced Lectures in Mathematics (ALM), International Press, Somerville, MA, USA, 2022, 320–341
  3. G. B. Shabat, “O kompleksnoi strukture oblastei, nakryvayuschikh algebraicheskie poverkhnosti”, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 11:2 (1977), 67–75  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Funct. Anal. Appl., 11:2 (1977), 135–142  crossref
  4. G. B. Shabat, “Pary Belogo i semeistva Frida”, Algebra, teoriya chisel i algebraicheskaya geometriya, Sbornik statei. Posvyaschaetsya pamyati akademika Igorya Rostislavovicha Shafarevicha, Trudy MIAN, 307, MIAN, M., 2019, 306–318  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 307 (2019), 281–293  crossref  isi  scopus

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