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Energy Loss in Fully Anisotropic Holographic Models.

P. S. Slepov

Abstract: Energy loss for heavy quark moving through anisotropic hot dense quark-gluon plasma in external magnetic field is calculated within holographic approach. We calculate the energy loss by estimation of the spatial Wilson loop behaviour using the effective potential technique. The results for spatial string tensions are compared with drag forces calculations in fully anisotropic models. We obtain the phase transition for string tension between two different string configurations: calculated at the horizon and at the dynamical wall. We consider holographic models for heavy quarks supported by the Einstein-dilaton-three-Maxwell action with different warp-factors in the metrics. These models discribe nonzero temperature, chemical potential, external magnetic field and spatial anisotropy. For the models with inverse/direct magnetic catalysis, we obtain “inverse/direct magnetic catalysis effect” for spatial Wilson loop phase transition: temperature of this phase transition decreases/increases with magnetic field increasing, correspondingly.

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2024