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International workshop "Relation of String Theory to Gauge Theories and Moduli Problems of Branes"
September 13, 2012 10:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS

$N=2$ Supersymmetric Field Theories, and Quivers, I

Michele Del Zotto

International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)

Abstract: In these two lectures, I will review some of the relations between representation theory and the physics of $N=2$ supersymmetric gauge theories. In particular, I will discuss the concepts of gauge functor and perturbative (or light) subcategories, categorical Higgs mechanism, and categorical quantization. If time permits, I would like to discuss also the relation in between cluster algebras, Coxeter combinatorics and finite $N=2$ BPS mass spectra, and to formulate some of the open questions and conjectures. Based on joint work with S. Cecotti.

Language: English
Series of reports

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