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Workshop “Frontiers of High Dimensional Statistics, Optimization, and Econometrics”
27 февраля 2015 г. 12:00, Москва, ВШЭ, Шаболовская 26, корпус 3, ауд. 3211

[Stochastic online gradient-free methods with inexact oracle (convex case vs strictly convex case; one point oracle vs two point oracle)]

А. В. Гасников, Е. А. Крымова

Московский физико-технический институт (государственный университет), г. Долгопрудный Московской обл.

Аннотация: In the talk we plan to lead a survey on stochastic gradient-free methods in online context and formulate some new results. The main contribution is a consideration of proper randomization depending on the prox-structure of the problem. This is a joint work with Alexander Gasnikov , Ilnura Usmanova and Fedorenko Fedor.

Язык доклада: английский

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