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Workshop on birational geometry
31 октября 2018 г. 15:30, Москва, Лаборатория алгебраической геометрии и ее приложений, Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»

On the minimal model program for the moduli space of curves

Luca Tasin

Universität Bonn

Аннотация: In this talk I will report on a recent work with G. Codogni and F. Viviani in which we investigate the first possible steps of the minimal model program for the moduli space of stable pointed curves $M$. In particular, we show that such steps have a modular interpretation and we relate them to the so Hassett–Keel program, which predicts that the log canonical models of $M$(with natural boundaries) have also a modular interpretation.

Язык доклада: английский

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