Полная версия

Algebraic codes are good

Patrick Solé

University of Paris 8

Язык доклада: английский

Список литературы
  1. Adel Alahmadi, Funda Özdemir, Patrick Solé, “On self-dual double circulant codes”, Des. Codes Cryptography, 86:6 (2018), 1257–1265
  2. Adel Alahmadi, Cem Güneri, Buket Özkaya, Hatoon Shohaib, Patrick Solé, “On self-dual double negacirculant codes”, Discrete Applied Mathematics,, 222 (2017), 205–212
  3. Cem Güneri, Funda Özdemir, Patrick Solé, “On the additive cyclic structure of quasi-cyclic codes”, Discrete Mathematics, 341:10 (2018), 2735–2741
  4. Minjia Shi, Hongwei Zhu, Liqin Qian, Patrick Solé, “On Self-Dual Four Circulant Codes”, Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci., 29:7 (2018), 1143–1150
  5. Minjia Shi, Rongsheng Wu, Patrick Solé, “Asymptotically Good Additive Cyclic Codes Exist”, IEEE Communications Letters, 22:10 (2018), 1980–1983

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