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Онлайн воркшоп "Рубежи голографического соответствия-4"
12 декабря 2022 г. 15:00, г. Москва, Математический институт им. В.А. Стеклова РАН, онлайн

Fixed points of holographic RG flows in 3d N=2 supergravity

А. А. Голубцова

Аннотация: I will consider a simple 3d N=2 supergravity model with a dilaton and its potential. Solutions with AdS boundaries to the model can describe RG flows in the framework of the holographic duality. Using the domain wall ansatz the equations of motion are reduced to a first order autonomous dynamical system. This allows us to analyze stability of fixed points and give information on UV/IR behaviour of the theory. It's found that the stability of certain points changes and one can observe bifurcations in the model. I'll present holographic RG flows and find an asymptotic behavior of the metric and dilaton, using "coordinates" of fixed points.

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