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Конференция "Молодежный забег МЦМУ МИАН"
14 марта 2023 г. 17:40, г. Москва, Математический институт им. В.А. Стеклова РАН, конференц-зал, 9 этаж

Birational automorphism groups of Severi–Brauer surfaces over the field of rational numbers

A. V. Vikulova

Аннотация: In this talk we will discuss finite subgroups in the group of birational automorphisms of Severi–Brauer surfaces. We will prove that the only non-trivial finite subgroups of birational automorphisms group of a non-trivial Severi–Brauer surfaces over the field of rational numbers are $\mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z}$ and $(\mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z})^2.$ Also we will discuss $3$-subgroups in the birational automorphisms group for a Severi–Brauer surface over any field of characteristic zero.

Язык доклада: английский

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