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Friends in Partial Differential Equations
25 мая 2024 г. 16:45, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, online

Once again on evolution equations with monotone operators in Hilbert spaces and applications

N. V. Krylov

University of Minnesota

Аннотация: We prove the existence of $W^{1}_{2}$-solutions of uniformly nondegenerate parabolic equations
$$ \partial_{t}u= D_i(a^{ij}_{t}D_{j}u_t+\beta^i_tu_t)+b^{i}_{t}D_{i} u_t +c_tu_t+f_{t} $$
in case that $f_{\cdot}\in (L_{2}+L_{1}) ([0,T],L_{2}(\mathbb{R}^{d}))$, $b=b^{M}+b^{B}$ and for some $r$ satisfying $2<r\leq d$ and sufficiently small constant $\hat b$
$$ \Big(\int_{B_{\rho}}\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!-\quad|b^{M}_{t}|^{r}\,dx \Big)^{1/r}\leq \hat b\rho^{-1},\quad \rho\leq \rho_{0}, \quad \int_{0}^{T}\sup_{x}|b^{B}_{t}|^{2}\,dt<\infty. $$
Similar conditions are imposed on $\beta$ and $c$, so that $|b_{t}|=|\beta_{t}|=\varepsilon/|x|$, $|c_{t}|=\varepsilon/|x|^{2}$ are allowed. Even the case of $b^{M}=0$, $\beta=0,c=0$, $f\in L_{1}([0,T], L_{2}(\mathbb{R}^{d}))$ seems to be new. Functions $b\in L_{q}(L_{p}(\mathbb{R}^{d}))$ with $p>d,d/p+2/q=1$ are in the above described class.
Joint work with I. Gyöngy.

Язык доклада: английский

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