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Japan–Russia winter school
2 февраля 2012 г. 17:00, г. Москва, Факультет математики ВШЭ, ул. Вавилова 7, аудитория 311–312

Harmonic bundle and pure twistor D-module. Lecture 4

T. Mochizuki

Аннотация: The classical theorem of Corlette says that there is a correspondence between semisimple flat bundles and harmonic bundles on a smooth projective variety. Rather recently, it has been generalized to the correspondence between polarizable pure twistor D-modules and semisimple holonomic D-modules. It enables us to use techniques in global analysis for the study on D-modules. As a remarkable application, as conjectured by Kashiwara, we obtain that a projective push-forward preserves semisimplicity of holonomic D-modules, and that a decomposition theorem holds for semisimple holonomic D-modules.
The plan of my lecture is as follows:
  • 1. Introduction of harmonic bundle
  • 2. Asymptotic behaviour around singularity
  • 3. Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence
  • 4. Good formal structure and Stokes structure of meromorphic flat bundles
  • 5. Twistor structure and Simpson's meta-theorem
  • 6. Introduction to polarizable pure twistor D-module

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