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Advances in Optimization and Statistics
15 мая 2014 г. 10:00, г. Москва, ИППИ РАН

[Asymptotics beats Monte Carlo: The case of correlated local vol baskets]

Christian Bayer

Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin

Аннотация: We consider a basket of stocks with both positive and negative
weights, in the case where each asset has a smile, e.g., evolves
according to its own local volatility and the driving Brownian motions
are correlated. In the case of positive weights, the model has been
considered in a previous work by Avellaneda, Boyer-Olson, Busca and
Friz [Risk, 2004]. We derive highly accurate analytic formulas for the
prices and the implied volatilities of such baskets. These formulas
are based on a basket Carr-Jarrow formula, a heat kernel expansion for
the (multi-dimensional) density of of the asset at expiry and the
Laplace approximation. The formulas are almost explicit, up to a
minimization problem, which can be handled with simple Newton
iteration, coupled with good initial guesses as derived in the paper.
Moreover, we also provide asymptotic formulas for the greeks.
Numerical experiments in the context of the CEV model indicate that
the relative errors of these formulas are of order $10^{-4}$ (or
better) for $T=\frac{1}{2}$, $10^{-3}$ for $T=2$, and $10^{-2}$ for
$T=10$ years, for low, moderate and high dimensions. The computational
time required to calculate these formulas is under two seconds even in
the case of a basket on 100 assets. The combination of accuracy and
speed makes these formulas potentially attractive both for calibration
and for pricing. In comparison, simulation based techniques are
prohibitively slow in achieving a comparable degree of accuracy. Thus
the present work opens up a new paradigm in which asymptotics may
arguably be used for pricing as well as for calibration. (Joint work
with Peter Laurence.)

Язык доклада: английский

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