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Cloud Database Management Systems

A. Nikolaenko

IBS Expertiza Company

Abstract: The emergence and popularization of the cloud computing paradigm, invented by internet giants in 2006 and standardized in 2011, is a native evolutionary reflection of the IT trend to concentrate computing resources across with simplification, becoming computing a utility, as like as an electric power supply became a utility when emerged large power plants and wide power grids. Contemporaneously, there was raised the challenge to create database management systems, provisioned in the cloud model, as a service for multiple consumers, which used shared resource pool; such type of cloud service named similary with other cloud service models — Database as a Service, DBaaS. By 2013, the market of cloud database management systems has been actually filled with commercial-ready products, some of them deliverable by subscribtion model via Web, as well with the packaged products for self-deployment on premise, allows to enterprises to build their own clouds. Also, by 2013 we observe a certain amount of research papers and several concepts how to build an efficient cloud database.
This workshop is dedicated to compressed and systematic view on history, current status and prospectives of cloud database management systems. We outline a scope of DBaaS based on generally accepted definitions, classify DBaaS solutions, overview products and services of main vendors. We notice most notable publications, pick out key researchers and their outcomes. Also we review key technical solutions, used to provide cloud properties.
Finally, we overview related technologies, affecting on emerging and progress of cloud database management systems, devote tendencies and prospects.


  1. Agrawal D., Das S., El Abbadi A., “Big data and cloud computing: current state and future opportunities”, Proceedings of the 14$\mathrm{^{th}}$ International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT/ICDT ’11, NY), 2011, 530–533  crossref
  2. Agrawal D., Das S., El Abbadi A., Data Management in the Cloud: Challenges and Opportunities, Synthesis lectures on data management, 32, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2012, 140 pp.
  3. Bernstein P., Das S., “Rethinking eventual consistency”, Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD ’13), 2013, 923–928  crossref
  4. Beyer M., Edjlali R., The Future of Data Management for Analytics Is the Logical Data Warehouse, ID: G00248457, Gartner research report, Gartner, Boston, 2013
  5. Bobrowski S., “Optimal Multitenant Designs for Cloud Apps”, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE 4$\mathrm{^{th}}$ International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD ’11. Washington, DC), 2011, 654–659  crossref
  6. Collins M., Cloud Databases: Structure in a Nebulous World, ID: G00203887, Burton research report, Gartner, Boston, 2009
  7. How to Harness the Power of DBaaS and the Cloud to Achieve Superior Application Performance,, 2013 (Clustrix whitepaper, SF)
  8. Konstantinou I. et al., “On the elasticity of NoSQL databases over cloud management platforms”, Proceedings of the 20\textsuperscript{th} ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management (CIKM ’11, NY), 2011, 2385–2388  crossref
  9. Llewellyn B., Oracle 12g multitennant,, 2013, 53 pp. (The Oracle whitepaper. Redwood Shores)
  10. Menken I., Blokdijk G., Cloud Computing Best Practice Specialist Guide for Storage Management and Platform as a service (PaaS): Understanding and Applying PaaS Solutions, Emereo, Newstead, 204 pp.
  11. Nishimura S., Das S., Agrawal D., El Abbadi A., “$\mathcal{MD}$-HBase: design and implementation of an elastic data infrastructure for cloud-scale location services”, Distributed and Parallel Databases, 31:2, June (2013), 289–319  crossref  isi
  12. Database Scalability and Availability in the Cloud, Xeround, Inc., Technical White Paper, Bellevue, 2013, 15 pp.

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