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Seminar on the History of Mathematics
March 4, 2021 18:00, St. Peterburg, online

Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists

Boris Grigorievich Galerkin (1871–1945). To the 150th anniversary of the birth

I. I. Demidova

Abstract: Boris Grigorievich Galerkin, an engineer-expert in the field of building, mechanics, a scientist in the field of elasticity theory, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, engineer-Lieutenant General. He developed many areas in construction, mechanics, and elasticity theory. B. G. Galerkin's research, despite the complexity of the mathematical apparatus, was presented to very specific results in a form that is accessible for direct application in practice. Galerkin is one of the founders of the finite element method. 1. Vikipediya. Boris Grigor'evich Galyorkin; Galyorkin's method. 2. Galyorkin B.G. Sobr. soch. t. 1—2, M. 1952—53. 3. Krylov A. N. [i dr.]. Akademik B. G. Galerkin. (K 70-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya). «Vestnik AN SSSR». 1941. ¹ 4. 4. Sokolovskij V. V. O zhizni i nauchnoj deyatel'nosti akademika B. G. Galyorkina. «Izv. AN SSSR. Otdelenie tekhnicheskih nauk». 1951. ¹ 8. 5. Filin A. P. Ocherki ob uchenyh-mekhanikah. M.: Izdatel'skij dom Strategiya. 2007. 784 s. *) ID: 993-690-805 password: mkn

  1. Vikipediya. Boris Grigorevich Galerkin; metod Galerkina
  2. B. G. Galerkin, Sobr. soch., 1–2, M., 1952–1953
  3. A. N. Krylov [i dr.], “Akademik B. G. Galerkin. (K 70-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya)”, Vestnik AN SSSR, 1941, № 4
  4. V. V. Sokolovskii, “O zhizni i nauchnoi deyatelnosti nauk akademika B. G. Galerkina”, Izv. AN SSSR. Otdelenie tekhnicheskikh nauk, 1951
  5. A. P. Filin, Ocherki ob uchenykh-mekhanikakh, Izdatelskii dom Strategiya, M., 2007, 784 ñ.

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