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Iskovskikh Seminar
May 25, 2023 18:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, room 530

Polytopes and K-theory of toric and flag varieties

E. Yu. Smirnov

Abstract: In 1992 Askold Khovanskii and Alexander Pukhlikov proposed a description of the cohomology ring for a smooth toric variety as the quotient of the ring of differential operators with constant coefficients modulo the annihilator of the volume polynomial for the moment polytope of this variety. Later Kiumars Kaveh observed that the cohomology ring of a full flag variety can be obtained by applying the same construction to Gelfand-Zetlin polytope.
I will speak about our work with Leonid Monin generalizing these results for the case of K-theory. Namely, we describe algebras with a Gorenstein duality pairing as quotients of the ring generated by shift operators. Then we apply this construction to describe the Grothendieck ring of a smooth toric variety; for this we consider shift operators modulo the annihilator of the Ehrhart polynomial of the moment polytope (this substitutes the volume polynomial). Finally, this construction can be generalized to the case of full flag varieties of type A. This description allows us to make computations in the Grothendieck ring of a full flag variety by intersecting faces of Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes; this generalizes our result with Valentina Kiritchenko and Vladlen Timorin.

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