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Seminar of the LHEP (MIPT) theory group
December 5, 2023 15:00, Dolgoprudny, MIPT, Laboratory building, room 403

Structure of phase transitions in anisotropic holographic models

P. S. Slepov

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Abstract: We will discuss anisotropic holographic models of quantum chromodynamics for light and heavy quarks. Within the framework of these models, the structure of phase transitions of the Hawking-Page type and transitions associated with the behavior of Wilson loops at non-zero temperature, chemical potential, anisotropy and magnetic field has been studied. The holographic models under consideration are supported by the Einstein action with the dilaton field and Maxwell fields. The first Maxwell field is associated with the introduction of a chemical potential. The second field is characterized by the parameter $\nu$ and provides spatial anisotropy in collisions of heavy ions, and at $\nu=4.5$ allows one to reproduce the experimental dependence of the multiplicity of produced particles on energy. The third field describes the anisotropy associated with the external magnetic field.
The talk is based on the following articles: I.Y. Aref'eva, A. Hajilou, K. Rannu, P. Slepov, arXiv 2305.06345; I.Y. Aref'eva, A. Ermakov, P. Slepov, EPJ. C 82, no.1, 85 (2022); I.Y. Aref'eva, K. Rannu, P. Slepov, JHEP 07, 161 (2021); I.Y. Aref'eva, K. Rannu, P. Slepov, JHEP 06, 090 (2021); È.ß. Àðåôüåâà, ÓÔÍ, 184, 6, 569–598 (2014).

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