Полная версия

Семинар по геометрической топологии
7 сентября 2017 г. 14:00, г. Москва, Матфак ВШЭ (ул. Усачёва, 6), ауд. 108

Milnor's link-homotopy invariants for handlebody-links

Yuka Kotorii

RIKEN – Institute for Physical and Chemical Research

Аннотация: A handlebody-link is a disjoint union of handlebodies embedded in $S^3$ and HL-homotopy is an equivalence relation on handlebody-links generated by self-crossing changes. A. Mizusawa and R. Nikkuni classified the set of HL-homotopy classes of 2-component handlebody-links completely using the linking numbers for handlebody-links. In this talk, by using Milnor's link-homotopy invariants, we construct an invariant for handlebody-links and give a bijection between the set of HL-homotopy classes of $n$-component handlebody-links with some assumption and a quotient of the action of the general linear group on a tensor product of modules. This is joint work with Atsuhiko Mizusawa.

Язык доклада: английский

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