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Дифференциальная геометрия и приложения
4 сентября 2017 г. 16:45, г. Москва, ГЗ МГУ, ауд. 16-10

Kissing spheres and group combinatorics in complex hyperbolic geometry

Б. Н. Апанасов

University of Oklahoma

Аннотация: We discuss some connections between sphere packing (kissing spheres) in Euclidean spaces $\mathbb R^n$ (or spheres $S^n={\mathbb R^n} \cup{\infty}$) and possible “block-buildings” in the complex (or quaternionic) hyperbolic geometry and CR-geometry at its infinity. This approach grows from several successful applications of our method of block-building of real hyperbolic manifolds/orbifolds, their deformations, unusual ergodic actions of their fundamental groups (hyperbolic lattices) and related cobordisms.

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