Полная версия

Функциональный анализ и его приложения
26 апреля 2018 г. 10:30, г. Ташкент, Национальный университет Узбекистана, Математический факультет, аудитория А-304, ул. Университетская, 4

Markov processes of cubic stochastic matrices: Quadratic stochastic processes

У. А. Розиков

Институт математики им. В. И. Романовского АН РУз

Аннотация: We define Markov processes of cubic stochastic (in a fixed sense) matrices which are also called quadratic stochastic process (QSPs). A QSP is a particular case of a continuous-time dynamical system whose states are stochastic cubic matrices satisfying an analogue of the Kolmogorov-Chapman equation (KCE). The existence of a stochastic solution to the KCE provides the existence of a QSP. In this talk we give several examples of QSPs for two specially chosen notions of stochastic cubic matrices and two multiplications of such matrices (known as Maksimov’s multiplications). We will show a wide class of QSPs and give some time-dependent behavior of such processes. We give an example with applications to the Biology, constructing a QSP which describes the time behavior (dynamics) of a population with the possibility of twin births.

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