Полная версия

Функциональный анализ и его приложения
1 ноября 2018 г. 10:30, г. Ташкент, Национальный университет Узбекистана, Математический факультет, аудитория А-304, ул. Университетская, 4

A discrete-time dynamical system and an evolution algebra of mosquito population

У. А. Розиков

Институт математики им. В. И. Романовского АН РУз

Аннотация: Recently, continuous-time dynamical systems of mosquito populations have been studied. We discuss a discrete-time dynamical system, generated by an evolution quadratic operator of a mosquito population. We construct an evolution algebra, taking its matrix of structural constants equal to the Jacobian of the quadratic operator at a fixed point. Idempotent and absolute nilpotent elements, simplicity properties, and some limit points of the evolution operator corresponding to the evolution algebra will be given.

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