Полная версия

Beijing–Moscow Mathematics Colloquium
12 июня 2020 г. 16:00, г. Москва, online

Higher-dimensional Contou-Carrere symbols

D. V. Osipov

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Аннотация: The classical Contou-Carrere symbol is the deformation of the tame symbol, so that residues and higher Witt symbols naturally appear from the Contou-Carrere symbol. This symbol was introduced by C. Contou-Carrere itself and by P. Deligne. It satisfies the reciprocity laws. In my talk I will survey on the higher-dimensional generalization of the Contou-Carrere symbol. The n-dimensional Contou-Carrere symbol naturally appears from the deformation of a full flag of subvarieties on an n-dimensional algebraic variety and it is also related with the Milnor K-theory of iterated Laurent series over a ring. The talk is based on joint papers with Xinwen Zhu (when n=2) and with Sergey Gorchinskiy (when n>2).

Язык доклада: английский

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