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Геометрическая теория оптимального управления
7 октября 2020 г. 16:45, г. Москва,

New examples of Lavrentiev gap for generalized Orlicz functions

А. С. Балджыa, М. Д. Сурначевb

a Университет Биелефельда
b Институт прикладной математики им. М.В. Келдыша Российской академии наук, г. Москва

Аннотация: We construct new examples on Lavrentiev phenomenon using fractal contact sets. Comparing to the well-known examples of Zhikov it is not important that at the saddle point the variable exponent crosses the threshold dimension. As a consequence we give the negative answer to the well-known conjecture that the dimension plays a critical role for the Lavrentiev gap to appear. We apply our method to the setting of variable exponents, the double phase potential and weighted p-energy. The talk is based on the joint project with Lars Diening from Bielefeld Unievrsity.


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