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Quantum Gravity and All of That
18 ноября 2021 г. 19:00, г. Москва, online

Discrete gravity

[Дискретная гравитация]

В. Ф. Муханов

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Аннотация: We assume that the points in volumes smaller than an elementary volume (which may have a Planck size) are indistinguishable in any physical experiment. This naturally leads to a picture of a discrete space with a finite number of degrees of freedom per elementary volume. In such discrete spaces, each elementary cell is completely characterized by displacement operators connecting a cell to the neighboring cells and by the spin connection. We define the torsion and curvature of the discrete spaces and show that in the limiting case of vanishing elementary volume the standard results for the continuous curved differentiable manifolds are completely reproduced.

Язык доклада: английский

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