Полная версия

Семинар Я. Г. Синая
28 июня 2011 г. 15:00, г. Москва, Конференц-зал ИППИ РАН (Москва, Большой Каретный пер., 19)

Динамика перемежающихся частиц

E. Nordenstam

University of Vienna

Аннотация: I shall show several models where several interacting particles evolve in time. One arises from the study of tilings by dominoes of a shape in the plane called the Aztec diamond. One is constructed by several Brownian motions reflecting of each other. One comes from a random matrix whose elements evolve in time. For the first two, transition probabilities, respectively densities, can be written down on a nice determinantal form. The last two are determinantal processes along space-like paths which means that certain probabilities there too can be computed by evaluating determinants.

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