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Семинар отдела теоретической физики МИАН
5 октября 2022 г. 13:00, г. Москва, online

New applications of the Reflection Equation Algebras

D. I. Gurevich

Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis

Аннотация: The REA are treated to be $q$-analogs of the enveloping algebras $U(gl(N))$. In particular, each of them has a representation category similar to that of $U(gl(N))$. I plan to exhibit new applications of these algebras:
1. $q$-Capelli formula
2. $q$-Frobenius formula
3. $q$-Casimir and $q$-cut-and-join operators

Язык доклада: английский

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