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Когомологические аспекты геометрии дифференциальных уравнений
14 декабря 2022 г. 17:00, г. Москва, Независимый Московский университет, Большой Власьевский пер., 11, ауд. 303, ссылку для дистанционного участия можно узнать по адресу

One day workshop in honor of Maxim Pavlov's 60th birthday.
Hydrodynamic type systems and beyond: a long way towards integrability with Maxim Pavlov

S. P. Tsarev

Аннотация: We briefly review the results of our joint publications with Maxim Pavlov. This is an effort to mirror the style and philosophies of his scientific efforts in the context of our first common field of interest - hydrodynamic type systems integrable by geometric methods, as well as further neighboring fields in the wast terrains of integrable nonlinear ODEs and PDEs.

Язык доклада: английский

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