Полная версия

Семинар «Алгебры в анализе»
7 апреля 2023 г. 18:00, г. Москва, доклад состоится на платформе Zoom, ссылка предоставляется по запросу

Projective positivity of function systems

А. А. Доси

Аннотация: The present talk is devoted to the projective positivity in the category of function systems, which plays a key role in the quantization problems of the operator systems. We show that every unital $*$-normed space can be equipped with the projective positivity. The geometry of the related state spaces is described in the case of $L^{p}$-spaces, Schatten matrix spaces, and $L^{p}$-spaces of a finite von Neumann algebra. Some key facts on the operator systems are provided in the beginning of the presentation. See

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