Полная версия

Семинар Лаборатории Чебышёва «Теория вероятностей»
5 апреля 2011 г. 11:30, г. Санкт-Петербург, 14-я линия ВО, 29Б, аудитория 413

Conformally invariant measure on self-avoiding loops

Stephane Benoist

Ècole Normale Supérieure, Paris

Аннотация: We'll present the following result of Wendelin Werner. There exists a unique (up to multiplication by constants) and natural measure on simple loops in the plane and on each Riemann surface, such that the measure is conformally invariant and also invariant under restriction (i.e. the measure on a Riemann surface S' that is contained in another Riemann surface $S$, is just the measure on $S$ restricted to those loops that stay in $S'$).

Язык доклада: английский

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