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Семинар отдела алгебры и отдела алгебраической геометрии (семинар И. Р. Шафаревича)
3 декабря 2024 г. 15:00, г. Москва, МИАН, комн. 104 (ул. Губкина, 8) + online

Mirror symmetry between Landau-Ginzburg models

Huijun Fanab

a Wuhan University
b Peking University, Beijing

Аннотация: LG models together with Calabi-Yau models form the global picture of mirror symmetry. In mathematics, LG A theory relates to the quantum singularity theory built by Fan-Jarvis-Ruan based on Witten's work on r-spin curves, while the LG B model relates to Saito's primitive form theory and the subsequent quantization theories of Givental or Dubrovin-Zhang. In this talk, I will explain the mirror correspondence between the two theories. If time permits, I will discuss other problems.

Язык доклада: английский

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