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Гомологические методы в алгебраической геометрии
31 мая 2013 г. 14:00, г. Москва, МИАН, комн. 540 (ул. Губкина, 8)

Special subvarieties of Pryms

M. Arap

Johns Hopkins University

Аннотация: Given an etale double cover of smooth algebraic curves, there is an associated principally polarized abelian variety, called the Prym variety of the cover. By a construction of Welters and Beauville, a complete linear system on the base curve gives rise to a pair of subvarieties of the Prym, called special subvarieties. The aim of this talk is to discuss the question of when the special subvarieties of a given Prym are algebraically equivalent and provide some applications to the study of algebraic cycles on Pryms.

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