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8 апреля 2014 г. 18:30, г. Москва, ГЗ МГУ, ауд. 14-03

Knots in Virtually Fibered 3-Manifolds

M. Chrisman

Monmouth University

Аннотация: A smooth orientable compact $3$-manifold $N$ is said to be virtually fi bered if it admits a fi nite index covering $p\colon M \to N$ such that $M$ is fi bered. Chrisman-Manturov recently showed how knots in fibered knot complements can be studied using virtual knot theory. It will be shown how the same technique can be used to study knots in manifolds which are not fi bered but are virtually fi bered.
The fi rst example of a non-fi bered virtually fi bered $3$-manifold is due to Gabai. The example takes the form of a link complement which is not fibered but admits a two-to-one covering by a fi bered link complement. The talk will begin by considered knots in fi bered link complements and then build up to considering knots in the complement of Gabai's example. We will conclude with a preliminary report on a general theory of virtual covers for knots in compact orientable 3-manifolds.

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