Физика и техника полупроводников,
2020, том 54, выпуск 12,страница 1398(Mi phts6697)
NANOSTRUCTURES : PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY 28th International Symposium (Minsk, Republic of Belarus, September, 2020) Spin Related Phenomena in Nanostructures
Collective spin glass state in nanoscale particles of ferrihydrite
Ferromagnetic resonance was used to study three types of ferrihydrite nanoparticles: nanoparticles formed as a result of the cultivation of microorganisms Klebsiella oxytoca; chemically ferrihydrite nanoparticles; chemically prepared ferrihydrite nanoparticles doped with Cu. It is established from the ferromagnetic resonance data that the frequency-field dependence (in the temperature range $T_{\operatorname{P}}<T<T^*$) is described by the expression: 2$\pi\nu/\gamma = H_{\operatorname{R}}+T^{\operatorname{A}}_{(T =0)}\cdot (1-T/T^*)$, where $\gamma$ is the gyromagnetic ratio, $H_{\operatorname{R}}$ is the resonance field. The induced anisotropy $H_{\operatorname{A}}$ is due to the spin-glass state of the near-surface regions. $T_{\operatorname{P}}$ temperature characterizes the energy of the interparticle interaction of nanoparticles.
Ключевые слова:
nanoparticles, ferrihydrite, magnetic anisotropy, magnetic resonance.
Поступила в редакцию: 23.06.2020 Исправленный вариант: 23.07.2020 Принята в печать: 27.07.2020