Let $M$ be the phase space of a physical system. Consider the dynamics,
determined by the invertible map $T:M\to M$, preserving the measure $\mu$
on $M$. Let $\nu$ be another measure on $M$, $d\nu=\rho\,d\mu$. Gibbs
introduced the quantity $s(\rho)=-\int \rho\log\rho\,d\mu$ as an analog of
the thermodynamical entropy. We consider a modification of the Gibbs
(fine-grained) entropy the so called coarse-grained entropy.
First we obtain a formula for the difference between the coarse-grained
and Gibbs entropy. The main term of the difference is expressed by a
functional usually referenced to as the Fisher information.
Then we consider the behavior of the coarse-grained entropy as a
function of time. The dynamics transforms $\nu$ in the following
way: $\nu\mapsto\nu_n$, $d\nu_n=\rho\circ T^{-n} d\mu$. Hence, we
obtain the sequence of densities $\rho_n=\rho\circ T^{-n}$ and the
corresponding values of the Gibbs and the coarse-grained entropy.
We show that while the Gibbs entropy remains constant, the
coarse-grained entropy has a tendency to a growth and this growth
is determined by dynamical properties of the map $T$.
Finally, we give numerical calculation of the coarse-grained entropy as
a function of time for systems with various dynamical properties:
integrable, chaotic and with mixed dynamics and compare these
calculation with theoretical statements.