Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Regular and Chaotic Dynamics // Архив

Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2003, том 8, выпуск 4, страницы 349–374 (Mi rcd789)

Integrability, nonintegrability and chaotic motions for a system motivated by the Riemann ellipsoids problem

P. Negrini

Department of Mathematics, Rome University ''La Sapienza'', P. le Aldo Moro, 00185–Roma, Italy

Аннотация: We consider a system obtained by coupling two Euler–Poinsot systems. The motivation to consider such a system can be traced back to the Riemann Ellipsoids problem. We deal with the problems of integrability and existence of region of chaotic motions.

MSC: 70H06, 70H07, 70E99

Поступила в редакцию: 01.12.2003

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.1070/RD2003v008n04ABEH000251

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