Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Regular and Chaotic Dynamics // Архив

Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 1998, том 3, выпуск 2, страницы 74–81 (Mi rcd940)

Эта публикация цитируется в 4 статьях

Motion of a disk within a sphere

A. G. Kholmskaya

Laboratory of dynamical chaos and non-linearity, Udmurt State University, Universitetskaya, 1, Izhevsk, 426034

Аннотация: The motion of a round dynamically symmetrical disk within a sphere covered by smooth ice is considered. It is shown that in the absence of a gravity field equations of motion may be reduced to quadratures. Conditions for the stability of stationary motions have been found. Probability of a falling of a disk has been investigated. Regions allowed for the motion in a gravity field and characterizing by the disk orientation and the situation of a trajectory of a contact point on a sphere surface have been built. The conclusion on the non-integrability on the analysis of Poincare sections of a problem on a round dynamically symmetrical disk moving on a smooth sphere surface has been made.

MSC: 0986507

Поступила в редакцию: 07.06.1998

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.1070/RD1998v003n02ABEH000072

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