Регулярные методы решения обратной задачи гравиметрии [Итоговый научный отчет по междисциплинарному интеграционному проекту СО РАН: “Разработка теории и вычислительной технологии решения обратных и экстремальных задач с приложением в математической физике и гравимагниторазведке”]
For solving three-dimensional inverse gravity problem on reconstruction interface between two media with constant density regular methods are supposed. The methods of the solution contain two stage. On the first stage from measured gravity field the anomalous effect is selected with using regularizing technique. On the second stage the iteratively regularized Newton and Fletcher-Reevs processes are applied to solve the nonlinear integral equation of gravimetry. Results of model numerical experiments on parallel computing system MVS-1000 are demonstrated.
Ключевые слова:inverse gravity problem, integral equation, parallel regular algorithms, parallel computing system MVS-1000.