Математическая логика, алгебра и теория чисел
Бинарно $(-1,1)$-бимодули над полупростыми алгебрами
С. В. Пчелинцев Department of Mathematics, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Leningradsky prospect 49, 125993, Moscow, Russia
It is proved that the irreducible binary
$(-1,1)$-bimodule over simple algebra with a unit is alternative. A criterion for alterna-tiveness (hence, complete reducibility) of unital binary
$(-1,1)$-bimodule over a semisimple finite-dimensional algebra is obtained. It is proved that every unital strictly
$(-1,1)$-bimodule over a finite-dimensional semisimple associative and commutative algebra is associative. The coordinateization theorem is proved for the matrix algebra
${\rm M}_n(\Phi)$ of order
$n\geq 3$ in the class of binary
$(-1,1)$-algebras. Finally, the following examples of indecomposable
$(-1,1)$-bimodules are constructed: the non-unital bimodule over
$1$-dimensional algebra
$\Phi e$; the unital bimodule over a
$2$-dimensional composition algebra
$\Phi e_1 \oplus \Phi e_2$; the unital
$(-1,1)$-bimodule over a quadratic extension
$\Phi(\sqrt{\lambda})$ of the ground field; the unital strictly
$(-1,1)$-bimodule over the field of fractionally rational functions of one variable
Ключевые слова:
$(-1,1)$-algebra, binary
${\mathfrak M}$-bimodule, irreducible bimodule, complete reducibility.
MSC: 17A70,
17D15 Поступила 12 сентября 2023 г., опубликована
29 декабря 2023 г.