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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Сибирские электронные математические известия // Архив

Сиб. электрон. матем. изв., 2012, том 9, страницы 161–184 (Mi semr346)

Эта публикация цитируется в 11 статьях

Математическая логика, алгебра и теория чисел

Conditions for non-symmetric relations of semi-isolation

B. S. Baizhanova, S. V. Sudoplatovb, V. V. Verbovskiyc

a Institute of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, ul. Pushkina, 125, 050010, Almaty, Kazakhstan
b Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Koptyuga, 4, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
c Institute for Problems of Informatics and Control Sciences, ul. Pushkina, 125, 050010, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Аннотация: We consider necessary and sufficient conditions for non-symmetric relations of semi-isolation in terms of colorings for neighborhoods of types, quasi-neighborhoods, and the existence of limit models. We show that, for any type $p$ in a small theory, its non-symmetry of isolation is equivalent to the non-symmetry of semi-isolation (where a realization $\bar a$ of $p$ isolates a realization $\bar b$ of $p$ and $\bar b$ does not semi-isolates $\bar a$) and is equivalent to the existence of a limit model over $p$. We generalize the Tsuboi theorem on the absence of Ehrenfeucht unions of pseudo-superstable theories and the Kim theorem on the absence of Ehrenfeucht supersimple theories for unions of pseudo-supersimple theories. We also present a survey of results related to non-symmetric semi-isolation.

Ключевые слова: relation of semi-isolation, $(p,q)$-preserving formula, Ehrenfeucht theory, powerful type, quasi-neighborhood, coloring of a structure, strict order property, limit model.

УДК: 510.67

MSC: 03C15

Поступила 26 сентября 2011 г., опубликована 21 февраля 2012 г.

Язык публикации: английский

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